Ode to McCain

Inspired by PSoTD’s suggestion that some “enterprising liberal superblogger—one with the resources for such a project—should begin to compile every available photo of Bush and McCain together that is out there.” That’s all I needed to hear.

(You’ll have to turn it up because it’s kind of quiet, and sorry for the dead space at the end. The only software I have to do this suckzzz ass.)

Related reading: Brad Plumer. “Back at my old job, in the course of doing research on the defense budget, I came across a few congressional staffers who mentioned that John McCain would often rail loudly and stridently for hours and hours against all the waste and fraud in the annual defense bills, but when it came time to do something about it, he'd usually just sit back and fold his hands… Bloviate and do nothing. He's a real man of ‘principle,’ you see.”

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