Well Done, Dems

Senate Democrats successfully filibustered the minimum wage hike for which the GOP made a significant cut in the estate tax a condition of its passage.

GOP leaders fell three votes short of the 60 needed to cut off debate and bring the package to the Senate floor, where it was considered certain to pass on a simple-majority vote.
This is a moment in which we can all be really proud of the Dems, because the GOP will undoubtedly accuse them of “voting against working Americans” in the upcoming elections, and it would have been a lot easier to just pass the bill to avoid that fight, because of course the minimum wage really does need to be raised—but not at the expense of burdening the middle and working classes with an even bigger share of the government’s tax revenue. It makes absolutely no sense to raise the minimum wage, but decrease the tax responsibility of the extremely wealthy, and the Dems made the right call.

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