"The Al Qaeda Candidate"

I'm assuming you're like me, in that you're getting pretty fucking sick of this shrill Republican talking point that first hissed between the cold, dead lips of Darth Cheney, stating people who voted for Lamont over Lieberman are somehow giving comfort and aid to the "enemies of America."

Well, CNN Headline News, anchor Chuck Roberts decided to do Cheney one better. Some might argue. Jesus. Some might argue that you're a Republican ball-licking little skidmark. The voters said "no" to Republican lite, and that's all there is to it. The British terror plot had absolutely nothing to do with the Lamont/Lieberman election. Stop pretending it did.

skippy has a suggestion.

Update: I'm glad to see that the news from the UK did nothing to boost Bush in the polls. Perhaps people aren't as easily duped as they used to be.

(I can't give you anything but cross-posts, baby...)

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