Our Congress Sucks

Do-nothing a-holes:

Congress has just chopped a week off what already is a notoriously skimpy work calendar so that lawmakers will have extra campaign time at home this fall. The Capitol will recess at the end of September, leaving a world of unfinished business. You’ll be relieved to know, however, that among the House items already seen to was a pay increase — 2 percent over the current base salary of $168,500.
Yeah, I remember.

Our government is a fucking joke at this point. We’ve got a president who wantonly breaks the law, a Vice President who shoots a dude in the face with no consequences and compares himself to Darth Vader, an administration staff whose primary function appears to be smearing political opponents and get raises while under investigation, a cabinet that is rife with incompetent crackpots who find international and domestic law “quaint” and crack jokes at pissed off soldiers, a Justice Department who thinks the president is always right, federal agencies run by incompetent cronies, and a Congress that is utterly useless.

We are not being governed.

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