you called me strong, you called me weak

Forget being the most hetero of heteros and the Lamb of Steel--we now know who/what Superman really is:

An Enemy of Family Values

That's right. Superman is an enemy of "family values". Says who? Why that self-appointed Family Values Expert, Katharine DeBrecht. You know, she of "Help, Mom! There are Liberals Under My Bed" . According to the press release emailed out by her publisher (titled: "Superman Becomes an Enemy of Family Values"), World Ahead Publishing, Ms. DeBrecht tries vainly to be as histrionic and ridiculous as possible to hawk some more of her books:

“Liberals in the media and classrooms are already making it hard for parents who believe in traditional values to pass on those morals to their kids. Now it looks like Superman will also be working against us. Reports indicate that not only does the movie imply that Superman and Lois Lane had a child together, but it also has Lois engaged to another man, causing Superman to compete for her affection.”

“Portraying Superman with an out-of-wedlock child and potentially breaking up a family is completely unnecessary. Warner Brothers is marketing this movie to children. It has dozens of toy, clothing, cereal, and fast-food tie-ins. But parents taking their children to see this movie need to be ready to talk with them about it, because Lex Luthor is not the only bad guy in this script.”

No, you what what's unnecessary? You. You are unnecessary. Your vile, hate-marketed-at-children bullshit does nothing to improve the world, Katharine. Un.Nec.Es.Sary.

The press release goes on to speculate the maybe the Man o' Steel will be showing up in future "Help Mom" books because he is: "fathering kids and trying to break up engagements". Oh yes. He's such a bastard, that Superman.

The press release closes with (emphasis mine):

“Superman used to stand for truth, justice, and the American way,” adds DeBrecht. “But parents need to beware because evidently director Bryan Singer has turned the Man of Steal into a deadbeat dad.”

So he's not the Manliest Manly Man, he's not Jesus--he's a Deadbeat Dad and an Enemy of Family Values!



Bitches be crazy.

(but your cross-post I will keep)

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