Well, Isn't That Interesting...

I don't wanna, and you can't make me.

Well, ruffle my hair and call me Frankie. Apparently, Coulter's latest act of batshit lunacy isn't setting too well with the Right. As Digby points out, conservative bloggers are doing quite a bit of finger-wagging, claiming Coulter is "not a conservative." I guess something finally snapped; it's difficult to point to an attack as justification for every crazy idea you have, and then smear the victims. Even Hugh Hewitt is scolding her, fer chrissakes.

So, I'm sure Michelle Malkin, the "Queen of the Conservative Blogosphere," will be all over Coulter like a bad suit, right? After all, she's the one who claimed in her own recent "book" (I call it that because it is paper bound in book form, and there is text on the pages):
"[T]he truth is that it's conservatives themselves who blow the whistle on their bad boys and go after the real extremism on their side of the aisle."[p. 9]

And while conservatives zealously police their own ranks to exclude extremists and conspiracy theories, extremism and conspiracy theories have become the driving force of the Democrat Party. [p. 169]

She's got to be joining the ranks and denouncing Coulter, right? Right?

What's that? She spent her latest appearance on O'Reilly defending the "interrogators" at Guantanamo Bay?

Oh, wait... she mentioned that she didn't think it was "appropriate." (Warning, links to Malkin's site) But she's still "absolutely correct." And the "reaction of the left" is as bad as what Coulter spewed.

Way to blow that whistle, Michelle.

(Let's hear their side of the cross-post...)

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