Done with the gays; back to picking on immigrants

Bush stresses values for immigrants:

President Bush stressed the need for immigrants to learn American values and culture if they are to become citizens, as he paid a visit Wednesday to [Nebraska] where the Hispanic population is on the rise.

Bush said upon his return to Washington, he would sign an executive order creating a task force that will expand English, civics and history classes to help more foreigners assimilate into America…

"One aspect of making sure we have an immigration system that works, that's orderly and fair, is to actively reach out and help people assimilate into our country," Bush said. "That means to learn the values and history and language of America."
Three things on which our president could use a refresher, if you ask me, but I digress.

I’m really annoyed (I know—what else is new?) with the media’s insistence on using headlines like “Bush stresses values for immigrants.” No, he isn’t stressing “values.” He’s stressing “assimilation.” Some people believe that assimilation is a value; others don’t. Others believe that multiculturalism is a value. Just because the president—and his useless party and their asinine supporters—like to cast their opinions of every issue as “values,” while denouncing principled dissent as treasonous, doesn’t mean they’re right. In fact, they’re dead wrong. So spare us the “Bush stresses values” malarkey.

After “stressing values,” Bush then acted like a total arse, as usual. “Bush entered and greeted the students in Spanish and threw them a question they weren't prepared for — how many father-son duos have served as president? The students were stumped, so Bush explained in Spanish that his father was a president and the other team was ‘Juan Adams y su hijo Juan Q.’”

Usted es un pendejo ridículo.

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