Coulter Gets Gutpunched

The 9/11 Widows have responded to Coulter's obnoxious slander.
We did not choose to become widowed on September 11, 2001. The attack, which tore our families apart and destroyed our former lives, caused us to ask some serious questions regarding the systems that our country has in place to protect its citizens. Through our constant research, we came to learn how the protocols were supposed to have worked. Thus, we asked for an independent commission to investigate the loopholes which obviously existed and allowed us to be so utterly vulnerable to terrorists. Our only motivation ever was to make our Nation safer. Could we learn from this tragedy so that it would not be repeated?

We are forced to respond to Ms. Coulter's accusations to set the record straight because we have been slandered.

Contrary to Ms. Coulter's statements, there was no joy in watching men that we loved burn alive. There was no happiness in telling our children that their fathers were never coming home again.
(bolds theirs)
More at the link. As my friend Deeky said:
speaking as someone who has actually lost a spouse, i can tell you there is no reveling in anything, there is nothing to enjoy in any of it.

Damn right. If Coulter has any shred of human decency left in her black, withered soul, she'll apologize. But I ain't holding my breath.

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