Bush Jets to Iraq

The Midwestern Gentleman slipped this into comments:

[H]as anyone noticed that the War Cabinet convened at Camp David is conspicuously without its "Decider"? I mean, he calls everyone together yesterday for a supposed two-day strategery meeting, and then bails after day one? WTF?! Did he finish all his decidering in one day on a war that took him three+ years to fuck up royally?!?!

The Post notes today that he "slipped out" last night without telling anyone but his top advisors.
And that’s not even the best part. In what certainly seems to be a betrayal of Bush’s assertions about how swimmingly progress is moving along in Iraq, he also didn’t tell the Iraqi government he was coming, for fear of his own safety.

[Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki] learned of Bush's visit only after his Nighthawk helicopter had landed in the Green Zone following a six-minute ride from the airport, part of the extraordinary security measures associated with the trip.
Spreading freedom, bitchez.

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