Baghdad violence continues, security crackdown or no

It's been four days in Iraq since the government there announced it would retake its own capital via a major security crackdown. Somewhere between fifty thousand and seventy-five thousand Iraqi Army personnel were put to the task, supplemented by over seven thousand American troops. Since then:


Clashes in the northern Baghdad district of Azamiyah

Car bomb in the northern district of Qahira kills at least four civilians, wounds six

Roadside bomb explodes near a police patrol in northern Baghdad, wounding one civilian

Gunmen kill civilian in western Baghdad as he drives his car

Roadside bomb in western Baghdad's Jihad neighborhood kills one police commando, injures another


Police find seven bullet-riddled bodies across the capital, four of them floating in the Tigris River

Gunmen kill an engineer and kidnap another

Worker at vegetable oil factory shot dead in Baghdad's Al-Bayaa neighborhood

Security forces find bombs planted throughout a cemetery


Eleven killed, twenty-five wounded in suicide bombing at Shiite mosque in Baghdad


Twenty-three killed in string of Baghdad attacks

More to come.

(Cross-posted. All links but the last courtesy of Today in Iraq.))

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