Why does America hate America?

'RV' Passes 'United 93' to Win Box Office

Mr. Shakes forwarded this to me, with the comment, “I’d be tempted to complain about this, except that I kinda get it,” which was precisely my thought. (If you don’t know what RV is, it’s, from what I can tell by the commercials for it I’ve seen, yet another tacky Robin Williams vehicle about…a vehicle—and the bland family with the bumbling father who forces them all to vacation in it.)

Tbogg, requesting an MRE-sized box of Goobers, notes:

Ever since 9/11, the Culture Commandos of the right have bitched because "Hollyweird" has failed to give them authentic Islamojihadhiricans to hate on the silver screen and now, when they get their chance, eh...they come down with social anxiety disorder or the theater seats are too hard on their pilonidal cysts.
Wah wah wah.

One day, I predict United 93 will be regarded as a lovely bit of fiction, just another part of the collective fairytale that captured the imagination of the American mainstream for awhile. I suspect lots of other people are coming around to this notion, too—whether they view the events presented within as the whitewash of actual events it likely is, or just a troubling reminder of the many people who have been victims of an administration once celebrated as uniquely qualified to save us all. In either case, who wants to see United 93?

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