
The Iraqi ambassador to the United States, Ambassador Samir al-Sumaidaie, believes that US Marines intentionally killed his cousin last year in Haditha, the site of the alleged massacre carried out by marines in which 24 civilians were left dead. This is getting so, so ugly. I don’t even know what to say. (Hat tip C&L.)

Mr. Shakes and I watched Jarhead recently, which is a really fine film about the first Bush-Iraq war, and we've also made our way through half of Band of Brothers, the WWII mini-series about Easy Company, which HBO has finally made available On Demand. Neither of us had seen it before, and it really lives up to its reputation. I also watched Baghdad ER, the HBO documentary about the docs working in Iraq now. All of them leave me with the same impression: War truly is hell. I believe it would drive me mad. All of them have reinforced my belief that fighting against preemptive warfare at all costs is the best possible way to support our troops. I can't ever foresee my mind being changed on that matter.

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