On the border: A modest proposal

Upon listening this morning to Carrie Kahn's Morning Edition piece on the Border Patrol's struggles to recruit new agents, a coworker of mine devised a solution worthy of Solomon: Hire undocumented workers to watch the border! This could be the linchpin of the president's proposed temporary worker program, which is currently meeting with some small resistance in Congress. As Mr. Bush reminded the nation just a few days ago, these immigrants already do work disdained by run-of-the-mill documented Americans. Securing our borders is - apparently - just one more such undesirable job. And we already know that these guests in our country will work for next to nothing. Using this approach, thousands of new Border Patrol personnel could be deployed in mere days. This plan will provide our many guests with the opportunity to serve their prospective new homeland immediately as they take the first steps on what the president calls "the path to citizenship."

Mission accomplished, as they say.

(Standing my cross-post at the border...)

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