in which I am the anti-Craft

So last night I mentioned that I have a pics of my anti-craftness where I am icing a bunny cake and the damn thing looks more like I skinned a rabbit and put it on a platter. So, I found the pictures and I thought I'd share them so you can enjoy a chuckle at my expense. :-) Enjoy your holiday weekend.

The story behind this is that my mom called me up shortly before Easter of 2004 and said: "I want you to bring a cake for easter brunch".

Me: A cake? What kind?

Mom: Jell-o cake would be nice.

Me: Ok.

Mom: Hey, why don't you make it a bunny cake?


Me: What?

Mom: You know, a bunny cake. Ears. Whiskers. Bow tie.

Me: Are you serious?

Mom: Why wouldn't I be?


Me: You're doing this because we don't really celebrate Easter, aren't you?

Mom: (laughs)

Me: Ok then.

I resolved that if she wanted a bunny cake, she'll get a damn bunny cake. Heh. Maybe if I had any skill in cake decorating. Unfortunately, the sole picture of the final product has gone missing. When my laptop died a month or so ago, it took all my (stupidly) non-backed up images with it. I cannot find the cd that had the picture on it, I fear it was a victim of the Junk Genocide that occured with our recent(ish) move. But, here are the pictures John took of me in the midst of "decorating" it:

If I looked oddly proportioned, it's because I was 7 months pregnant with my third kiddo. And I promise you, if you ever come eat at my house, I won't lick my fingers when I make you your food. Honest.

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