W is for Women: Spreading Freedom Edition

As if we needed more evidence that "W is for Women" was one of the most ridiculous campaign slogans ever plastered on a sign, shirt, hat, or button, or that Afghanistan is not the rousing success the administration loves to claim, here it is, care of Jessica at Feministing:

The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) has just released a report, "Evaluation report on General Situation of Women in Afghanistan."

The AIHRC reports, among other things, that 38 percent of women were "wedded off against their will and consent" and that more than 50 percent have been victims of domestic violence.
Superb. Also of interest: though the numbers of males and females between the ages of 6 and 18 are commensurate, "the number of girls going to school is less than half the number of school boys, and even in some regions like Zabul, this ratio is 3% / 97%."

Freedom is awesome. Thanks, Dubya!

(Crossposted at AlterNet PEEK.)

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