Bush Privately Favors Citizenship for Undocumented Immigrants

That’s the story, anyway. I don’t know whether he genuinely favors something approaching amnesty, but it’s certainly convenient for him if he can be seen by those of us who aren’t particularly sympathetic to the Fortress America Gang as being “privately” more in agreement with us, while simultaneously being seen by his base as nonetheless unyielding in his political hardline.

It strikes me as very carefully constructed—another “good” leak—but while those in the so-called mushy middle who aren’t overtly hostile to undocumented immigrants may be persuaded by his highwire balancing act, it looks like it’s backfiring with those who’d happily declare open season on illegal immigrants. Malkin is predictably going apeshit: “Open-Borders Bush: The Final Straw?”

Final straw—get real. Can there be any doubt that he will eventually end up on whatever side will most benefit his corporate pals? Here’s a hint: It isn’t massive deportations of the most easily exploitable workforce in America. People like Malkin, who disguise their wanton racism behind semi-legitimate national security concerns, should be embarrassed that they ever gave breath to the belief that Bush was really the “National Security” president. Cronyism trumps everything with this guy, including and especially the safety of the American people, whether it’s safety from terrorism, safety from hurricanes, safety from financial ruin, safety from bad drugs, or anything else. We have never been less safe on every level than we are under Bush. This isn’t the final straw; it’s just another straw on the pile that long ago crushed lots of Americans under the weights of its many, many straws.

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