More Argh

I find it interesting that on the same day Bush is prattling on about Dr. King’s legacy and the need for equality, the first female African president, Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, was sworn in—and Bush, who has (if memory serves; correct me if I’m wrong) made only a single trip to Africa (July 2003) during his five years in office, dispatched his wife and his work wife to traipse around and pretend as if his administration actually gives a crap about either women of any color.

(Which, in case anyone is under the dire misapprehension that they do, they don't. "W is for Women" and Ken Mehlman's heartfelt outreach program to the black community are, as it turns out, just two big loads of horsepuckey. Sorry to ruin Christmas for you, Shakers.)


I guess the first female president in a continent’s history isn’t worth his time. Of course, millions of people dying of AIDS, starvation, war, and exposure aren’t worth his time, either, so I suppose we can hardly expect him to raise much fuss over one person.

To give him an opportunity to correct the record, in case I was being unfair, I sent one of my highly-paid correspondents to ask him why he didn’t feel compelled to join the Bush Bitchez in Africa. He wasn’t available for an extended interview, but did give us a quick comment:

Dude, it’s ’cuz I’m a total jag.

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