
These two deceptively cute little beasties just committed the vicious murder of another mouse—the second this winter. It’s not even that cold out, so I don’t know why the dumb wee bugger came into a house with cats, a risk which is understandable during normal January weather, but it’s almost 50 degrees today.

Anyway, I’m sitting in the office, and in walk Matilda and Olivia, pulling something behind them. It’s a long piece of toilet paper (which is Olivia’s favorite toy, scraps of which we’re constantly picking up because she manages to find it even though we keep it in a bank vault), and I notice there’s blood on the paper. For a moment, I’m worried, thinking one of them is hurt, until they proudly lift up the paper to show me the present they’ve brought me. Ugh, I nearly barfed.

I scolded them to get away from it and cleaned up the mess, which they watched with sad eyes. Then I felt all guilty. “Good girls!” I said. They wove in and out between my legs and purred and chirped contentedly.

Too much nature indoors. Blech.

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