Question of the Day

Sorry I haven't written much today. I'm working on a redesign, because I can't stand to look at that picture of the Bard anymore. So one day in the future, you might pop in and find a new look. Or maybe not. It depends on whether I design something I really like or drive myself berserk trying, before I ever manage it.


Since yesterday's QotD was kind of heavy, I thought we'd do something light today. Hat tip to Steven, from whom I've stolen it (with notice).

Who is your favorite movie character of all time? (I know it's hard to pick just one, so feel free to do as many as you like.)

I'll have to think about this one for awhile, but off the top of my head...Princess Leia, Maude (0f Harold &...), Indiana Jones, and Napoleon Dynamite all come immediately to mind.

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