Happy Blogiversary…

…to Shakespeare’s Sister!

One year ago today, I posted my very first entry, called “Young Bones Groan,” which is the first line of the Smiths’ song Shakespeare’s Sister, after which this blog is named.

In the past year, I’ve picked up three incredible contributors, for whom I am grateful every day, fantastic guest bloggers, a huge blogroll of amazing bloggers (many of whom blogrolled me well before I probably deserved it), and what is arguably the cleverest, funniest, most interesting community of readers in the whole of the blogosphere (of which John Howard was the first). Thanks for making this fun and meaningful.

And a huge thank you to Mr. Shakes, who encouraged me to do this in the first place, and has never, for even a single, solitary moment, been anything less than the wholly biased champion each of us needs when we pursue what we love.

Onward and upward…

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