More Crackpot Converts for the GOP

Pam’s got another excellent post on the GOP sticking its “values” wedge into the black community.
I'm tired of the denial and the bullsh*ttery on the left, who deny that there's a sickness infecting the black faith community, mostly the pastors that are being bought-off by Mehlman and his squad.

It stems from the faith-based payoffs, homophobia, Republican smokescreens, and the years of inattention by the Democratic Party to its loyal base. Oh well, I'll just keep on posting this crap. Maybe someone will pay attention eventually and call out these bible-thumpers.
Seriously, please read this post—it’s a very serious problem, and it needs attention. The Dems need to wake up and start noticing to what’s happening within one of their most loyal constituencies before it’s too late (if it’s not already). And aside from the political issues involved, the social issues are troubling, too. First, this nasty little GOP outreach program is reinforcing the homophobia that already plagues the black community. Secondly, the same thing that happened to the white working class, divided and conquered on the brawny back of homobigotry, will happen to the black community next. And just like the white working class, they’ll be voting against their best interests on a slew of other issues, throwing their support to a party who cares diddly-shit about them.

Pam’s so right when she deems this a sickness. Anyone whose ledger doesn’t carry the same number of 0s as the country’s current leadership stands to gain nothing from the GOP, regardless of color, gender, sexuality, religion, or anything else—and anyone who believes otherwise is totally delusional. Her post is titled “The black and white AmTaliban hop in the sack,” and the first thing I thought is that, not so long ago, the white folks with whom these black pastors are so eager to align themselves would have gone to unimaginable lengths to prevent blacks and whites from hopping in the sack together—both politically and quite literally. And some of these same jagoff crackers still refuse to vote anti-miscegenation laws off the books, but black pastors, without a trace of irony, are lining up with them to spread the hate about gays in exchange for promises of inclusion that will never be realized.

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