
Okay, I know, I know, a lot of you don’t share my passionate fervor for Al Gore, who I love more than words can say, so I don’t expect you to share my enthusiasm for this little news item, but I am absolutely over the moon:
The first annual Gore Family Dinner will be held later this month in Tennessee to help raise money for Democratic candidates in 2006, but some political observers are noting that this is the first time Al Gore will be politically active in his home state in quite some time, the Nashville City Paper reports. "Gore’s name is already out there for the presidential election in 2008" and some think that Gore’s popularity could make him a less "divisive candidate" than Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY).
Please let it be true.

Ever since I was 17 years old, I’ve been waiting for Al Gore to be my president, and the thought that he might actually consider running is such sheer, unadulterated happiness that it’s not even remotely mitigated by the fact that he’d probably never be afforded the chance by his own stinking party.

If liberals were smart, we’d be begging him to be our candidate—because he may be the most brilliant statesman and honest politician in America today. (Not to mention that he cares passionately about the environment, which I why I knew about him as a teenager, long before Clinton picked him as his running mate.) And all the crap about his being wooden, or angry, or awkward is all just a bunch of horseshit created by the media (as Shaker D astutely noted awhile back), who decided not to like him—something we all ought to be smart enough to ignore.

What a different country we’d be living in right now if he had become our president in 2000. What a different world it would be for us all.

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