Meanwhile, Crooks and Liars has the video of Terry Moran grilling Scott McClellan about the talking points being issued, and astutely notes that the specifics of the information contained therein necessitate them having come from Rove himself. Seeing as how he continues to retain his job at the White House, Scotty’s line about how they can’t answer any questions while there’s an (everyone, say it with me!) ongoing investigation seems a little, ahem, bullshittish.
Think Progress has the transcript here.
I think my favorite bit from Scotty has to be this (emphasis mine):
I appreciate you all — I know you all want to get to the bottom of this. I want to get to the bottom of it. The president has said no one wants to get to the bottom of it more than he does. We want to see it come to a successful conclusion.He’s said that, has he? Even Scotty seems to be subconsciously suggesting that what his boss says and what he actually believes are usually two entirely different things.
Tune in tomorrow to see Scotty collapse into a weeping, thumb-sucking heap and be immediately replaced with the Official Investigatitron 3000.
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