Dems Call for Rove’s Head

Conyers is at it again:
Dear Mr. President:

We write in order to urge that you require your Deputy White House Chief of Staff, Karl Rove, to either come forward immediately to explain his role in the Valerie Plame matter or to resign from your Administration.


Regardless of whether these actions violate the law – including specific laws against the disclosure of classified information as well as broader laws against obstruction of justice, the negligent distribution of defense information, and obligating reporting of press leaks to proper authorities – they seem to reveal a course of conduct designed to threaten and intimidate those who provide information critical of your Administration, such as Ambassador Wilson.
Damn. Read the whole thing—it’s good.

Are there no other Democrats who are as fired up about all this shit as Conyers? I mean, I know some of them are signing their names to letters he’s drafting, but why is he leading the charge seemingly every single time? Come on, Dems. Conyers is doing the right thing here. Get with the fucking program.

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