It’s Official…

…the American Right has collectively lost its mind.

I know what you’re thinking. Shakespeare’s Sister, that was obvious a long time ago. But no—this is the definitive evidence that they have reached a point of madness from which they will not return. FOX News' Chris Wallace on the inmates at Guantanamo Bay:
I mean, what was so horrific in the memo, and I'm not saying, you know, there aren't legitimate questions there, is that someone is chained to a floor and forced to defecate on themselves, and has loud rock music playing. Excuse me? I mean, you know, Auschwitz? Bergen Belsen? The Soviet gulag? I think they would have been very happy to be allowed to defecate on themselves.
Not a Freeper. Not a pal of Chicago’s Mag Mile weirdo who strolls the boulevard clad in a sandwich board announcing that Al Gore is a robot. An employee of Fox News.

And while you might be thinking that all those things belong in the same category, the truth is, there was a time when no matter what media outlet Americans were watching, they wouldn’t have put up with shit like that being said.

(Hat tip Green Knight.)

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