Woe is Frist

This is awesome:
U.S. Senator Bill Frist got more than he bargained for when he stopped off to buy shoes in D-C. And we have the pictures to prove it. Frist was buying pricey shoes beneath the offices of Americans United to Protect Social Security, and as you can imagine, protestors were quick to pounce. 40 to 50 people demonstrated against Frist's support for President Bush's plan to privatize Social Security and -- according to the group -- slash benefits for middle-class families. A spokesperson for Senator First responded by saying "...despite the protesters' claims, the President's plan does not cut benefits. Perhaps the protesters would do better to pay attention to the facts than Senator Frist's shoes." On a side note, the Senator received a parking ticket because his SUV was illegally parked.

Designer Suit: $3,000

Designer Tie: $500

Snazzy Haircut: $200

Being embarrassed to fuck by protestors who are trying to stop you from gutting a program that helps the middle and lower classes while you attempt to buy designer shoes to complete the ensemble: Priceless.

(And the parking ticket? BRILLIANT!)

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