
Ballooning deficits…the war in Iraq…unsecure borders…the ever-weakening separation between church and state…rampant ethics violations by congresscritters…the attack on civil rights…struggling social programs…Social Security…the healthcare crisis…unemployment…environmental concerns…dependency on foreign oil…

The list goes on and on.

And on what is Congress choosing to focus?

Steroid use in the NFL.
If McCain, Davis and the Government Reform Committee's ranking Democrat -- Henry Waxman of California -- do produce a bill, it wouldn't be the first on the topic. Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., introduced the Drug Free Sports Act on Tuesday, and his House Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection subcommittee scheduled a May 5 hearing.

''There is every reason to believe that most major sports have athletes using illegal steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs,'' Stearns said.
Get with the program, you plonkers. We’ve got bigger fish to fry at the moment.

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