You Wanna Talk About Undermining the Sanctity of Marriage?

Remember this:

… the idiotic propaganda piece issued by USA Next because AARP wasn’t getting behind the president’s proposed Social Security reform, attempting to illustrate that the AARP’s agenda was anti-American and pro-gay marriage?

Well, it turns out the GOPers dosn’t even like acting gay for a photo shoot, so instead they ripped off a picture of a real gay couple’s wedding. The couple in question are Richard M. Raymen and Steven P. Hansen of Portland, Oregon, and they’re none too happy their image was used. (Go figure.)

A lawyer from their letter can be viewed here, and a press release issued by AMERICAblog’s John Aravosis, who’s working as their publicist, can be viewed here.

Go get ‘em, boys. The dumb fucks.

You Wanna Talk About Undermining the Sanctity of Marriage?

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