J.R.R. v. J.K.

Project Implicit is a Harvard study that gives you
the opportunity to assess your conscious and unconscious preferences for over 60 different topics ranging from pets to political issues, ethnic groups to sports teams, and entertainers to styles of music. At the same time, you will be assisting in a large-scale study of preferences.
I signed up, and the first thing I was given to do juxtaposed Lord of the Rings with Harry Potter. I found out I have a strong automatic preference for Lord of the Rings over Harry Potter, which I could have told you before I started. I thought it was going to be something cool where your responses to pictures of Legolas versus pictures of Hagrid determined whether you’re a filthy racist, but no such luck. It just told me I liked Lord of the Rings better than Harry Potter.

You don’t get to choose your topics, so you might have to try a few times before you hit something that interests you. As time allows, I’ll try some more, and if I ever find out my preferences on something notable, I’ll report back.

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